Secrets of the Clown

2007 "Logic Often Blinds Us From the Truth of Our Dreams"
2.8| 1h41m| NR| en| More Info
Released: 27 September 2007 Released
Producted By: Brain Damage Films
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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After the brutal murder of his best friend Jim, Bobbie is haunted by a presence. His girlfriend Val is distant and appears to have secrets of her own. Then the nightmares begin. Through the nightmares Bobbie uncovers clues regarding the murderer's identity. With the killer still on the loose, bodies piling up, and time running out, Bobbie hires a psychic to contact his deceased friend Jim. But some secrets were never meant to be revealed. The dreams will guide him, the secrets will blind him, the murders haunt him. Only together will they unlock the "Secrets of the Clown.

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GamerTab That was an excellent one.
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
Stevieboy666 This movie combines a killer clown, a spooky doll & some good old black magic. Sounds interesting? Well it could've been. Sadly the acting here is terrible & it looks like it was filmed on a mobile phone from 2007. Apart from a few tongue in check moments later on this film takes itself far too seriously. I think the makers must have thought that they were making a SCARY movie but the only scary thing about this trash is that it got made & released in the first place. If it wasn't for a fair smattering of cheap gore I'd have awarded this 1/10. Very, very BAD!
Michael Van Damme I've seen movies with similar budgets turn out to be quite successful despite the restraints put on them by their lack of funding. This film on the other hand takes that $140,000 budget and uses it to deliver a steaming pile of shart directly into your internal being; and once you see SotC you may never again be able to unsee it. I'm just going to jump to the point with this one, you'll absolutely love just how much you hate this movie. I mean it's quite astonishing the sensation you get from watching it. You'll enjoy the experience but also die a little inside in doing so. Simply put, there is no "liking" this movie. If someone were to say otherwise I would seriously question that person's sanity. The fact that it was even released out into the world still baffles me to this day. I made the unfortunate mistake of supporting this clown and to top off the icing on that cake of sadness, I've seen this movie not once, but THREE times. Believe me when I say I have no idea why, but I'll probably see it a 4th someday. You've probably made better movies with the very first cell phone you got in the early- mid 2000's which couldn't even take video. If you don't want to get mad to the point where you're seeing red, avoid this movie like the plague.
oprlvr33 I only had to watch fifteen minutes of this "film" to realize how bad it truly is (outside the prior reviews). Many other low-budget films on direct video are far better than this mess. This "thing" is more a low-low budget behind-the-scenes movie wannabe than an actual release. The biggest thing that stood out to me in the opener was the gal's cleavage shots. As if this imagery is reason enough to finish the movie.. every Horror film has excellent cleavage moments.. that's what psycho serial killers aim for, and makes for a pretty up-tense film (I don't think so) Don't waste your time (or $$)This is a train-wreck at its finest; terrible directing, acting, cinematography, and general overall production.
jtfriday2000 As of 8/12/2012, says this flick was made for $140,000. How is that possible? Somebody on must be pulling one helluva prank.This movie was shot on a camcorder featuring the worst excuse for fake blood I've seen in a long time (red lipstick and ketchup). The acting was atrocious. No one could care about any of the characters. The pacing was terrible. The script was garbage. Everything about this movie was garbage.Anyone who has heard about this flick probably saw it at their local Mart as a $5 movie pack and wants to know if it's worth it. It's only worth it if you're really bored and wanna waste your hard-earned cash. Others have bought it for the 80s horror flick Curtains.It cost $140,000 to make this flick? Perhaps the director used $1000 to make this flick and decided to pocket $139,000.