In Memorium

2005 "What's scarier than dying?"
4.7| 1h13m| en| More Info
Released: 01 October 2005 Released
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A man dying of cancer installs a series of cameras in his home to try to capture a paranormal entity that has been causing issues in the home before he dies.

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Alicia I love this movie so much
Exoticalot People are voting emotionally.
Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
ShangLuda Admirable film.
HorrorBuff235 There is an abundance of found footage films as we all know of late. Personally I would like to see an original film that has the potential to give me goosebumps and question whether I want to go downstairs and let the dog out at 1am. However, I did find myself intrigued by this film (despite the acting from the younger brother), what started off as a typical haunted house mystery becomes more of a supernatural revenge story. The chemistry between the couple seemed to work well and the director did a good job in making the story believable enough to lose yourself in and actually care about what the outcome would be for the main protagonists. Plus I don't think I've ever been as attracted to a guy who is vomiting blood before - think he brings a vulnerability I wasn't expecting. Generally not a bad film, I found myself wanting to see where it was going to take me and although not very scary I still enjoyed it.
jcorty28 Off the bat, comparisons to Blair Witch and Paranormal Activity will be made. And they are wholly unfair. Whereas the aforementioned films rely solely on the found footage schtick, In Memorium is a character driven film. You genuinely like all involved and empathize with their current situation. This makes things that much more gut punching and terrifying as you watch the horrific events unfold on screen.Dennis has been diagnosed with a life ending terminal disease. Along with his girlfriend, they decide to rent out a house and record everything as it happens: his deteriorating condition and how he comes to terms with it. He plans to use the video captured as a living document of one man's coming to terms with his own mortality while also displaying the love that was shared with his girlfriend.But as the days go by, bumps and thumps in the night are heard. And upon closer inspection to the footage that was caught on tape. Dennis realizes that they are not alone in the house.And that's about all I'll say at this point. For to reveal anything else will really take about from the shocking and riveting nature of the film.In Memorium is one of the most original and thought provoking horror films I've ever seen. It challenges conventions and its by far, better than any mainstream horror film I've seen this year.
jakewashere This is not the first horror film to rely on the claim of documenting real events, but it works as well as, or better than, other movies of its kind (such as BLAIR WITCH). If anything, it's more claustrophobic; all the events take place in the same location, and usually indoors. The actors don't ham it up, either; it would have been fatal to a movie like this. The realism of their performances combines with their mundane surroundings to create a very convincing and unsettling experience; it's not fast-paced, but a film like this doesn't need to be fast to hold you in suspense or creep you out. And it is VERY creepy. Pray for this one to get picked up so you can see it for yourself.
Gary B. Phillips I consider myself a huge horror fan - I like everything from slashers to psychological thrillers. But I'm incredibly picky about what films I consider to be classics: The Exorcist, Rungu, The Mothman Prophecies, Session 9.So when I was looking over the schedule for the International Horror & Sci-Fi film festival and saw this film's premise, it filled me with hope. I saw the screening, hoping the film wouldn't suck, and within the first 15 minutes all of my fears went away and I was left with an amazing experience.I won't spoil anything but I'll leave you with this: This was one of the few films I've ever seen that made me grab my wife's arm in fear and - at one point - almost turn away from the screen. (Audition is the only other film to hold that honor.) The atmosphere and tension that the director creates is incredible.If this film is playing at a festival near you, don't hesitate to see it. They haven't announced a DVD release yet but I'll be adding it to my collection as soon as they do.

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