Bong of the Dead

2011 "There will be bud!"
3.3| 1h31m| NR| en| More Info
Released: 04 February 2011 Released
Producted By: Mind In Motion Productions
Country: Canada
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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When the world is taken over by flesh eating zombies, best friends Tommy and Edwin figure out a way to benefit from it by turning zombies into fertilizer for growing potent weed! There will be bud.

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Mind In Motion Productions


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Exoticalot People are voting emotionally.
Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
Francene Odetta It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
Paul Magne Haakonsen Wow, this was bad on a scale that can't even be measured."Bong of the Dead" is without a doubt amongst the top 10 of worst movies I have had to suffer through - or at least partially through, as I gave up on this nonsense after 20 minutes into the movie, where it was all teenage shenanigans and just downright waste of time happening on the screen. And a movie have to be extraordinarily bad before I actually turn it off.I must admit that a movie about two potheads sitting around growing weed plants using mashed up zombies didn't really appeal to me in the least. Nor did the horrible and silly acting appeal to me in any way.The movie started out alright, campy but with some potential for a zombie spoof, but then enter the two potheads, and the movie just went from bad to worse in record time.I am sure that there is an audience out there for this particular movie. I just wasn't part of that particular audience, that's fore sure. Zombies and weed is just a combo that doesn't go hand in hand.Hats off to director Thomas Newman for making this movie though and seeing it through. He did create something that is somewhat of an acquired taste. But as a zombie aficionado, and not much fan of stoner movies, then "Bong of the Dead" didn't really get me high.
davidlmarks This movie has a happy slapstick feel to it, Cheech and Chong meet the undead. It was funny, it was heartwarming (sometimes a little too much)-- and it had an awesome ending that included perhaps one of the most awesome killing machines in recent zombie-killing history.The two stoner leads (Edwin and Tommy) were perfect boneheads-- but boneheads with a mission. There is also one of the hottest chicks since Tomb Raider (wait 'til she gets all gussied up in leathers)... and it is pure and simple entertainment.I understand the film was produced for $5000, and that in itself is reason enough to watch it-- but don't watch it for that! Watch it because its funny and clever and the zombie effects are first rate (by veteran Mike Fields). The final climactic scene is awesome... oh, and watch past the trailers for a taste of things to come.
trashgang This is again a hard one to review. The director, Thomas Newman, did most of the job himself, he edited this flick on Mac and used Protools for sound editing. He also shot the movie himself with one camera using around 350 shots. For that part alone I would give him a big cheer. He also wrote the script and that wasn't that good. Let me explain. I can understand that when you make a low budget flick you have to watch out for special effects because they use a lot of the budget. But this one clocks in at 98 minutes and if he should have made it a bit shorter then it would have been much better. It starts of so promising but after the old couple has turned into zombies and we move 6 months further we start to know the leading actors. It's supposed to be funny but it's so cheap to laugh with a fart. But I'm not into American humour. Most of the comedies coming out there weren't for me funny. Let's say that almost 60 minutes of this flick is about joking and smoking pot and having fun and meeting a chick and again having fun and having beer and pot and talking much, way too much. After a while you have seen it all about the talking that you eager to see the zombies. Once the zombies are out it's gore galore and indeed, the red stuff flows and all parts and heads of the zombies are flying around. The way they have been attacked by or friends did remind me of Peter Jackson's Braindead. But there again, some shots do have the latex and syrup but other effects are CGI and you can easily spot that. But at the end of the day zombiegeeks will love it due the bloody and messy shots but for me the beginning was okay, then too much drivel to end with gory shots. Just watch until the end, in between the end credits there is a surprise.Gore 3/5 Nudity 0,5/5 Story 2/5 Effects 3/5 Comedy 1/5
Robert Wilson We have had rash of "this movie was done on this really low budget" movies as of late and the problem is most come off as just that - a bad movie with no budget. Selling a bad movie that way doesn't make the movie any better.With that comes the $5000 zombie movie Bong of the Dead by Thomas Newman. When I watch a zombie movie I expect a few simple things - good zombies, plausible storyline, and great zombie deaths. Anyone can shoot a zombie in the head but it's the movies that take the time to be creative in this niche that stand out. Couple that with a good story and you'll get my attention. Most low-budget movies might hit one of those expectations but rarely all. Bong of the Dead hit them all and shucks the recent trend of low budget=poor movie.It's clear that Thomas Newman put thousands of hours into his creation. It just doesn't come off as a $5000 movie. With the special effects wonder-kid Mike Fields goring up the movie and Newman's directing the movie left me feeling entertained.I was first turned on to the movie when I saw a trailer for it featuring a ramped up pickup truck sporting a trio of lawnmowers. Newman's movie doesn't disappoint here with some great zombie-mowing action. Fans of gallons of blood will not want to miss this. This scene kicks off the climax of the film and zombie pieces are flying everywhere. Our hapless potheads and their new hot female ally dish out the pain.The sick factor was also plugged with a rather disgusting display of zombie on zombie cannibalism - I have a feeling this scene won't make it into the American market for just who gets eaten.Jy Harris playing Tommy Peart and Mark Wynn who plays Edwin Peredo are the two stoner buddies who discover a miracle use for zombie brains that suits their 'green' side. They set off in search of more zombie fertilizer only to find themselves over their heads. They find themselves at the end of Leah Kroaker's shotgun (played by the sexy Simone Bailly) and the fun ensues.Pot and zombies do go together. Don't let the $5000 total budget turn you off this movie. The quality is there in spades and Thomas Newman and Mike Fields made this zombie movie fan happy for an hour and a half.