Search for the Lost Giants


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5.9| 0h30m| TV-PG| en| More Info
Released: 04 November 2014 Ended
Producted By: Left/Right
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
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Brothers Jim and Bill Vieira search for giant skeletons after researching tales of giants being sighted along with old accounts of giant bones being uncovered across the country.

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Dirtylogy It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.
Arianna Moses Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
Kaelan Mccaffrey Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.
Fatma Suarez The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
scottmannen1 If you enjoy such shows as Destination Truth, The Curse of Oak Island with a bit of Indiana Jones mixed in then this show is definitely worth your time! At the same time I also understand that those types of adventure archaeology isn't for everyone, and there are just as many people out there that do NOT enjoy this genre. For those not interested in the above genres, do not continue.The rest of those of you that find adventure archaeology interesting, please read-on as the rest of this review is for you.It becomes very clear early on that this television show is modelled almost exactly the same as the hit show The Curse of Oak Island. They have the same narrator, the stars are also 2 brothers with more money than they time and the structure matches the show in the way that they are out to solve some big mystery and always seem to be on the cusp of some large archaeological find. For me, that is just fine as I enjoy that type of mystery.Despite the borderline silly premise and title of the show, it actually takes itself extremely seriously. This is a good thing, because if this show lent itself to a heavy paranormal path to follow, I would have lost interest almost immediately. What KEEPS MY INTEREST is the fact that this is based on reality and the possibility (albeit rather slim) that their could have actually been a race of giant humans that walked the earth in millennia past.The major dig site seems legitimate. The fact that they have the University of Boston's archaeology department involved also tells me that this show is not full of baloney.The structure of the show is as follows: - Each episode we follow the progress of the major dig site, and how they are validating and progressing along down that road. The dig site IS VERY INTERESTING, and is an actual mystery in my opinion. The underground tunnels and structure basically seems to pre-date any colonial involvement, so that tells us that its definitely older than the 1700's. The other interesting fact is that the underground structure also seems to not fit into any native American Indian architecture. The underground tunnels are crafted out of stone and there is no mortar used. It is using techniques never before seen in any Native American historical buildings and structures- which tells us that there is also a strong possibility that the tunnels are even older than before the natives arrived in the America's! So what dates are we now (possibly)talking?? We are now talking beyond 15,000 years ago! So you can now see where the mystery comes into play here! According to our awesome scientific community, the human race itself is only 200,000 years old. Recorded history only dates back some 2000 years (Christ) to 4000-5000 years. The ancient Egyptians and the furthest back we can go for recorded history is the ancient Sumarians.So what is a structure that doesn't fit into any known history, looks old- very old doing in the middle of the United States? That is what they are out to solve, and they are throwing in some legends about an ancient race of giants 8 to 10 feet tall. There is actual evidence about these giants...I didn't believe it until I saw it myself on the show.A boy found some "giant bones" from a 9 foot tall human (in 1920 or so) deep in a cave buried under the dirt that seems to match this giants theory. I scoffed at it at first and thoughts of gigantism went through my head, either that or some kind of hoax. I figured it was just another rumour mill with no proof like Bigfoot. Well the show managed to track down this rumour right to the town that the body was found in, and met with the great-great grandson of the town doctor who had a look at the bones. Well they then looked through the town archives and on microfilm reviewed a 1930 newspaper from the small town and right smack dab on the front page was "Giant's bones discovered!" and it had the bones wired together properly by a doctor and had a six foot man lying next to the bones, and YOU CAN SEE THE DIFFERENCE IN SIZE THAT 2 FEET MAKES! It was hard or fairly substantial proof that this shows premise isn't entirely baloney. Real photos. The bones were sent to the Smithsonian and were never heard from again....until now. They are trying to track them down at the museum on the show currently.Anyways, very interesting show. Surprisingly real and its not just blowing hot air at us. Enjoy this show! It is nowhere near as good as the Curse of Oak Island; however, I am rating it a surprising 7/10 Great show if this stuff interests you! Don't miss it.
pavlick What a dreadful waste of time this series is. It's right up there with the show several years back when Geraldo Rivera wasted hours opening a safe from the Titanic, only to find nothing in it. It there truly was a Race of Giants, as these two brothers claim, with tombs and burial mounds all over the USA, then why can't they come up with as much as one damned skull to prove their hypothesis ??? They try to give their theory some kind of basis by linking it with Biblical myths about the Nephilim. What will their next series be? Finding Noah's Ark ???? And the acting is dreadful as well. When they are being told of some bone fragment found 50 years ago or viewing some lame rock carving their eyes are all bugged out like Japanese fighting fish.They don't stay in one area for more than 15 minutes, but just hop from state to state and back again, confusing the heck out of the viewers and making totally baseless claims. All they need find is any kind of circular marking on any stone and it's automatically proof that Sun Worshipers were there 65 million years ago. And so what if they were. It still doesn't prove that they were giants.Then they show you all of these supposedly sophisticated petroglyph's that look like art work from a kindergarten. These are hardly anything like the beautiful Lascaux Cave Paintings in France.When all is said and done, they never find anything !!! I am amazed that they found sponsors !!!
Vincent Beard Scott Wolter has pictures of a cave which was sealed in the 1930's by the Scottish man who owned the property. By a Stone Mason because too many kids would go in and the ceiling was too low to get back into it. Collapsed roof of main entrance. My Uncle John E. Vileno was 8 years old when he crawled under this with 3 friends same age with kerosene lanterns. They found skeletons and many confusing chambers with strange stone axes and other weapons. The Cave system has underground rivers. and they emerged from Starting at Rockland place New Rochelle,NY entrance miles away in Mamaroneck, NY. Many years later the new England thruway was constructed in 1958, When they Blasted in New Rochelle, NY windows broke in Mamaroneck. My uncle wrote an article in the Standard Star. Explaining this was a massive tunnel used by the Underground Railroad during the civil war! I recently learned there was a group in Mamaroneck youths called the river rats. near the Train station. intensely secretive about their spot they partied at. and My uncle said they came out of this cave in 1930 near the Mamaroneck Train Station. He did say he remembered skeletons. and reading an account of early settlers finding a giant mound of clam shells on a nearby beach. 25' high 30'dia.Scott has my Number.
mackaat 2 brothers who have never learned scientific methods of investigation, AND who believe that stories in hundred year old local newspapers are always true.These guys SHOULD team up with the Oak Island guys, AND Scott Wolter, they really are birds of a feather.Stories are often fragmented so badly you can't easily follow them, and often claims are made and then never revealed as to their conclusions, and the conclusions are usually nonsensical and even outrageously bad science.It seems that these brothers have more money than sense, and are having FAR too much fun at jerking the viewers around, and have no real hope of ever finding anything significant or newsworthy.

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