Shriek of the Mutilated

1974 "A frenzied hunt for a hideous beast uncovers a cult of killers on an island of terror!"
4| 1h27m| R| en| More Info
Released: 02 August 1974 Released
Producted By: American Films
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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An anthropology professor has invited his class to a remote cabin in the mountains to research the mythical Abominable Snowman. Soon after they arrive, strange events begin to befall the students, including sightings of a huge, white, furry creature.

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Michael Findlay as Decapitation Onlooker (uncredited)


Ceticultsot Beautiful, moving film.
Matrixiole Simple and well acted, it has tension enough to knot the stomach.
CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
Erica Derrick By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
BA_Harrison Sexploitation director Michael Findlay turns his dubious talents to the horror genre, telling the tale of four college kids who accompany their professor, Dr. Ernst Prell (Alan Brock), on a field trip to Boot Island where they attempt to prove the existence of a yeti.The film opens with Prell conducting a lecture on yetis, showing his students some sketches of the legendary beast, presumably rendered by a shortsighted, artistically challenged, right-handed eight-year-old holding his pencil with his left hand (OK, that's a bit harsh, perhaps, but I wouldn't use them). After Prell has concluded his laughable lecture, most of the students spend the evening at a party where their wild, popcorn-fuelled antics are interrupted a crazy guy named Spencer (Tom Grail), who recounts how several of his friends were killed by a yeti during Prell's last field trip seven years earlier. Meanwhile, star student Keith (Michael Harris) has snubbed his pretty girlfriend Karen (Jennifer Stock) in favour of spending a cosy evening with Prell at an exclusive restaurant that serves exotic meat dishes (nothing strange about that!).While Keith samples rare delicacies with his professor, the inebriated Spencer heads for home, where he goes crazy and cuts his wife's throat before taking a bath fully clothed; not quite dead, the blood-soaked woman exacts revenge by plugging in an electric toaster and throwing it into the tub (instead of, maybe, seeking medical help).The next day, Prell drives his 'mystery machine' (complete with flower decals) to Boot Island, accompanied by his four students: Keith, Karen, Tom (Jack Neubeck), and Lynn (Darcy Brown), owner of an impressively large pair of hexagonal frame spectacles. The group are greeted by John Carpenter lookalike Dr. Karl Werner (Tawm Ellis), who lives on the island with his mute Native American manservant Laughing Crow (Ivan Agar), and who claims to have recently encountered the beast. Inevitably, the group's attempts to locate the creature result in death, both Tom and Lynn being savaged by a hairy humanoid that resembles the Shaggy D.A., mid-transformation.Despite Karen begging to leave the island, Keith agrees to help the two doctors to try and trap the yeti using his dead friends as bait (instead of, maybe, calling the police). His complete and utter stupidity ultimately results in further death when the yeti pursues Karen, scaring her so badly that she simply stops breathing. Eventually, it transpires that the yeti has been nothing more than an elaborate ruse concocted by Prell and Werner, who are part of a cannibalistic devil cult that holds annual banquets where the guests enjoy feasting upon the body of a victim with no cuts or bruises. Keith returns to the house with a local sheriff (who also turns out to be part of the cult) just as dinner is about to be served…With a ridiculous plot, terrible acting and minimal hokey gore, the wonderfully titled Shriek of the Mutilated is utterly inept and not in the least bit horrifying, yet the whole affair possesses a unique bats**t-crazy quality that makes it a fair amount of fun if really bad B-movies are your thing. As terrible as the film is, its hard to not leave with a grin as Laughing Crow, brandishing a carving knife, utters the final line, "white meat or dark?".4.5 out of 10, rounded up to 5 for IMDb.
Koosh_King01 This is, I believe, the first bad movie I've ever recommended to anyone. 1974's Shriek of the Mutilated is terrible. But in a good way. It would've definitely been great fodder for MST3k. The problem is, it didn't really have to be, since the story is actually pretty decent. The problem is the acting, editing, special effects and editing are all total crap. Let us delve, though, into the plot itself.Dr. Ernst Prell is a college professor who believes in Yetis. Specifically, he believes there's one on an island called Boot Island located somewhere in the northern United States (!). He plans to take four of his best and brightest students - Keith Henshaw, Karen Hunter, Tom Nash and Lynn Kelly - along with him to hunt the beastie down. Before they embark, the students attend a swingin' dorm party. All except for Keith, who, being teacher's pet, goes with Dr. Prell to an exclusive restaurant and samples an even more exclusive dish which Prell claims is called gin sung.At the party, the other three receive some good old-fashioned doomsaying from college janitor Spencer Ste. Claire, who, it turns out, is a former student of Prell's and went with Prell on his last excursion to Boot Island several years before. There, Spencer claims, they did indeed find the Yeti, which attacked them. Only Spencer and Dr. Prell survived and Spencer went insane. How insane? Well, in a completely pointless scene, he goes home and cuts his wife's throat with a carving knife (!). She gets her revenge before dying, though. I won't say how, but it's a hoot.The girls find Spencer's rant unnerving, but the boys don't; Tom since he doesn't give a crap one way or the other, and Keith because (upon learning of it during the drive to the island the following day) he is fanatically loyal to Dr. Prell. He doesn't believe Prell would lead them into danger. Upon arriving at the island, the gang shacks up with Prell's longtime colleague Dr. Karl Werner. Apart from him, Boot Island's only other resident is a retarded Native American (very un-PC, that) named Laughing Crow, who works for Werner occasionally. Both claim to have seen the Yeti on different occasions. In fact, it was Werner who alerted Prell to the Yeti's presence on the island apparently.An expedition into the woods follows, whereupon Tom wanders off on his own and is killed by the Yeti. They only find his severed leg. Prell concocts a plan to use the leg as bait to trap the monster; this plan fails miserably. In the meantime, Lynn, who stayed behind at Werner's house to sit this second expedition out, finds the one-legged corpse of Tom in the greenhouse, then is killed by the Yeti herself... with a garden trowel! After her body is discovered, the increasingly unhinged Prell repeats his scheme, this time using Lynn's corpse as the bait. Again it fails. This time, Keith is knocked over the head by an unseen attacker.Karen who has been slowly losing her mind throughout the story returns to the house and is set upon by now one but two Yetis, who chase her. She runs into Laughing Crow who comes at her with a large knife, and then she promptly dies of a fear-induced heart attack. The big twist occurs here as the "Yetis" unmask themselves and are revealed as Prell and Werner! Keith, coming to, confronts them and discovers they're members of a Satan-worshiping cannibal cult that uses the Yeti costumes as a theatrical excuse to lure potential victims (i.e. Prell's students) to Boot Island to eat them. This is what befell Spencer's friends on the last Yeti-hunting expedition.Keith escapes, finds a cop, and returns with him to Werner's house to find the cult members about to dine on Karen's body. The cop reveals himself as a cult member and pulls a gun on Keith. Dr. Prell then asks Keith to join them. When he refuses, Keith says he isn't a cannibal, only for Prell to reveal he already is. He just never realized it. "Gin sung" ain't what Prell claimed it was! This movie simply fails to work, despite what is a fairly interesting idea for a story. Pretty much every actor was never in anything else, the editing is terrible and the Yeti costume is so phony that the twist of it being someone in a costume in-story is plainly obvious the minute it appears. Curiously, the fake the monster(s) turn out to be fake, combined with the gaggle of annoying college-aged kids and Prell's 1970's-era hippie van, make the movie come across as an alternate-universe nightmare version of Scooby Doo on acid. Without Scooby. Lynn even wears big glasses like Velma.Nevertheless, Shriek of the Mutilated is worth watching at least once as a good example of how to take a perfectly good plot idea and ruin it, doing everything wrong. It's so bad it's good, and the final scene is a laugh riot.Note: The film is also noteworthy for using an early version of the song Popcorn by Hot Butter, during the party scene at the beginning. Unfortunately, due to licensing issues (I guess), Popcorn has been removed from the soundtrack and replaced with a generic 70's rock song on the recent DVD release of the film. Despite this, Popcorn is still listed as one of the songs in the film's opening credits. That's just sloppy.
Tender-Flesh Every once in a while, a movie comes along like this. If you haven't seen it, you are in for a treat. For you see, what we have here is basically a live-action Scooby Doo mystery, with characters I will refer to by that TV show's names. Fred, Shaggy, Velma, and Daphne head off to Boot Island with their professor, Doctor Prell, to attempt to photograph or, dare to dream, capture a yeti. Mind you, the yeti is basically the abominable snow man of Tibet and surrounding regions. What he's doing in America, in an area where there is no snow, well, that's not really important unless you try to take this film at face value, and hopefully you won't.I smiled throughout most of this movie because it's just one of those flicks that is so bad you think it's good, or good enough to watch for laughs. Some movies are too inept even to be granted that, but this one succeeds on enough levels of absurdity, bad acting, horrid dialogue, and moronic premise that you just sort of find yourself enjoying it in spite of yourself.Now, back to the island. The elusive yeti stalks the landscape with a super loud heartbeat, occasionally roars, and when you see him, he has a lovely white fur coat. While rambling about in the woods near a country home not too far off the beaten path, our intrepid mystery hunters, who in fact arrive at their destination in a van not unlike the Mystery Machine--a white Econoline van with blue hippie flowers all over the front, find themselves being picked off in the woods by Bigfoot's white cousin. First, Shaggy gets his leg ripped off. And while parts of Shaggy are laid out to lure the yeti back to being captured, Velma meets her fate. By this time, Daphne is hysterical and Fred is, well, Fred. Practically everyone will have this mystery pretty much solved in the first 15 minutes of viewing, which leaves the rest of the time for you to wonder how they could stretch a Scooby Doo mystery into 86 minutes.This is a very amateur film, to say the least. I've seen much worse, and at least this has some unintentionally humorous bits. It would have been nice if Velma got naked, but I digress. See, it turns out there is also a blood cult thing going on in these here woods and Daphne is on the menu, along with Shaggy and Velma. Fred is left to tell his tale just as some goof did on a previous failed expedition. And wait til you see how things go for that guy! Unbelievable nonsense that you can't help but find amusing. This is the sort of film you need to watch on a Saturday night with your buddies. Buddies that get your sensibilities when it comes to films, that is. You may wonder if this is a Scooby Doo Mystery, where is the dog? The whole movie is a dog!
Pi_1 I'm 27 years old. I saw this movie when I was........well........probably about 10. Still to this day I consider this the worst movie I've ever seen in my life! I remember seeing it at the video store and thinking it was so cool. The box art was of a claw ripping through the front of the box. I pestered my dad to get it every time we went to the video store, but he refused (obviously wiser than I). Then, for my birthday party that year, my friends and I talked him into letting me rent it to watch at the sleepover. I was so excited at the prospect of watching Shriek of the Mutilated. Boy were we in for a treat, I thought, mesmerized by the terrifying box art! Yeah, right........We got it home, popped it in the VCR, watched it, and although I don't remember all that much about it, I still remember it as the worst movie ever made. I often watch movies I loved back then when I was a kid, and am usually disappointed at how bad they are.....certainly not the wondrous films I remembered. So I figure, if my friends and I thought this movie was horrid back then, I can only imagine how bad it would be these days to watch, LoL.Anyway, was just fooling around on the internet tonight and thought of I had to look it up. Thought I'd post this if any of you are interested....or thinking about watching this piece of garbage, LoL.For those of you that have seen this atrocity, I'll leave you with these words, which I still remember (and laugh about) all these years later.....WHITE MEAT OR DARK?!?!?! (watch it and this can become a lifelong joke for you too!!)