Night of Horror

1981 "When four people are stranded on what was once an ancient battlefield, one of them is haunted by a voice from the past. As she tries to answer their call for help, a chilling nightmare unfolds… thus begins the “Night of Horror”."
1.4| 1h16m| en| More Info
Released: 01 January 1981 Released
Producted By: Little Warsaw Productions
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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Steve's buddy Chris can't understand why he's reluctant to play in their band. So, one night at Steve's house, he tells Chris a story about traveling to Baltimore to meet up with his brother Jeff so they can check out a cabin in Virginia left to them by their father. They hit the road in a rv, along with Colleen, Jeff's wife, and her friend Susan. Along the way, Steve finds out Colleen can see ghosts and starts playing footsy with her after she reads a Edgar Allen Poe story. When they reach the cabin, they are approached by the ghosts of Confederate soldiers who tell them stories about their dead captain.

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Little Warsaw Productions


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Reptileenbu Did you people see the same film I saw?
Contentar Best movie of this year hands down!
Console best movie i've ever seen.
Frances Chung Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
WakenPayne Monster A-Go Go is worse in my opinion mainly because it doesn't even have a narrative.I came across this movie when others compared to the movie above. I just had to see what people had to say about it here. It is described in such a way to appeal to any cinematic masochist. The one thought that came to my mind was "After watching Monster A-Go Go I thought every movie I saw afterwards was watchable, shall I test that?". After watching this I might be right.The basic plot is that Random guy 1 asks Random guy 2 if he wants to go on a road trip while drinking in a basement... Sorry - Bar. Then he explains why he doesn't want to go by explaining a road trip with his brother and 2 girls - one of which can see dead people and finds ghosts of a confederate army.Now, in a horror movie there always seems to be a sense of danger. That's why the audience is on the edge of their seat in suspense or turning away in disgust at the latest gore-fest. In here the only sense of danger for anyone involved (in the movie or otherwise) is you from falling asleep.Then there's the ghosts themselves. Whoever thought having someone who sounds like he has smoked an entire tobacco harvest and have him put pauses in between every word is not a good idea.Then there's the other aspect of the movie - the technical aspect. Like Monster A-Go Go the director here seems to think night shots of complete blackness seems to be a good idea. I'm not even going to explain why this is a problem.Then the director seems to rip a page out of Hal P Warren's book. There are many shots to indicate that the people are driving, and driving, and driving, and driving GET ON WITH IT!!!!! If you want more descriptions of scenes that if you cut out you wouldn't miss anything there's about 10 minutes of confederate war reenactments with country music over the top of it. The only reason why I think this was kept was because this is the best part (which is really depressing once you see it).The Acting is next. Most of the actors look and sound like they're reading off of cue cards (or the script itself). They're not the worst I have ever seen but they're still crap.Then there's the sound editing. Usually I didn't think making the dialogue audible would be such a hard task but it happens here. Thankfully (...or not?) you do get used to it and able to understand most of what is going on (Give me translators for the ghost and I'll be fine).The one thing that boggles my mind is why this was never on MST3K. I can see The bots tearing this movie to shreds with all the dignity it doesn't have. Given the concept it could've been decent if not entirely original. It could be worth a watch for those who think "Manos is the worst movie ever made" or cinematic masochists, but this movie should remain unknown.
nightofhorrorlover This isn't a good movie, but its unique. When I watch low-budget, I want something different from Hollywood movies. And you get it here. Its not even so much like watching a narrative film as it is like spending time with some aimless characters. And somehow this is fairly enjoyable.It takes a can-do spirit to make any movie, especially to get it distributed, and I have to give these guys credit for somehow making "Night of Horror" and getting it out there.Enjoy the rural locations and late-70's style, which are as much a document of this region as they are movie locations/wardrobe.
evilzombie20 Well it was a cold, bitter cold, night and I was on my way to the local video store. This old Mom n' Pop place that I had only been to a few times, the owners were very nice and had an extremely nice collection of horror films. All kinds of em' lined the shelves, zombies, vampires, werewolves, mummies, you name it and it was probably there. Growing up I had long loved a film called "Curse of the Screaming Dead" and still think it's a pretty decent flick (okay it's crap but it's crap I like). So when I found out there was another movie called "Night of Horror" which was supposedly the original film that "Curse of the Screaming Dead" was based on I was a little giddy. At the time I had just found a copy of the original "Curse of the Screaming Dead" on it's original label Mogul so finding "Night of Horror" was a must for me. God I wished I had slapped myself...So there I am in the video store searching the shelves for something to catch my eye and there it is, "Night of Horror". The movie I thought I'd probably never find was sitting right in front of me. I was a little surprised but I expected them to have a movie like this because they had been open since the dawn of video and the owner bought every movie he could get his hands on. So I bring "Night of Horror" up to the counter and I look up at the woman who has her usual smile and I asked if I could possibly buy the movie. I figured I should like it somewhat if I liked "Curse of the Screaming Dead". She looked at the box and then at her husband and he just looked at me. He looked up the film and nodded yes, come to find out the last time the tape had been rented Reagan was president so it was okay. I got the video for $2 (that should have been a huge sign if you're paying less than what it costs to rent) and I thought I made out like a bandit. Boy was I wrong.I bring the movie home and do the usual, popcorn, soda, and other assorted snacks. I sat down and pushed play on my remote and once the film started I wanted nothing more than to go both deaf and blind. First off if you're going to make a movie, learn how to light the damn thing, when there was a light it looked like someone had gotten a giant spotlight and set it down in front of the camera. And the night shots...don't even get me started. Then there's the acting...wait that was there? I don't remember acting, oh those people who were walking around and babbling incoherently those were actors? Were they trying to act bad because they pulled it off brilliantly. As for the effects, what effects!? There was a freaking' fake skull and a fog machine with a raspy, and I mean raspy, voice attached to it. That's an effect!? Bah! After it was over and I slipped out of the coma I attempted to return the movie to the store simply saying it didn't work. I told them they could keep the money but the tape was broken. They wouldn't take it...they looked at me straight in the face and said no. The nice old couple soon became the devil and his bride incarnate. I wanted to scream, they knew what they were doing the whole time. They sold me the movie because they knew it was terrible. Argh! I threw the movie back into my room and it hasn't moved from the spot it's been in for over 2 years.Until now, I reviewed it before writing this review and I have to say I hate, and I hate you all for making me re-watch this movie again for the purpose of this review. Oh what a tangled web you all weave...please for the love of all that's holy; avoid this movie like it were the plague, like it was a possessed horned up monkey with crabs that could very well be cooked and feed a family of 4. STAY AWAY!
daniel son Wicked, Wicked, Wicked, Wicked, Wicked, Wicked, Wicked, Wicked, Wicked!!!! Watch it for a night of sheer ... "HORROR" ... Untouchable in script and screenplay, this film makes a mockery out of so called classics such as star wars. FKMag states, and i quote "Wicked, Wicked, Wicked!!!"

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