Cold & Dark

2005 "To Protect and Sever"
3.9| 1h34m| en| More Info
Released: 31 March 2005 Released
Producted By: Paradigm Hyde Films
Country: United Kingdom
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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When Detective Mortimer Shade is somehow killed in a freezer, a parasite called a grail possesses his body, revives him, but he needs blood to stay alive. His partner John Dark accepts the new situation and together they become vigilantes, judging and killing the bad guys, with Shade sucking their blood with his claw. However, Dark notes that Shade is losing the rest of his humanity and becoming a monster, being aware and afraid of the danger Shade represents to mankind and trying to stop him.

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Hellen I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
ThedevilChoose When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.
Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
Kinley This movie feels like it was made purely to piss off people who want good shows
Bezenby Hey girls of age twenty-seven to thirty! Remember during the late nineteen eighties when the boy band as an industry was emerging and you had New Kids on the Block and Brother Beyond and Then Jericho and stuff and Bros? Remember Bros? They asked regarding the time when they would in actual fact be famous...remember? Then they politely requested that people should stop referring to them as being below legal age in the song 'Drop the Boy'...remember that rubbish? And remember when they suggested to society in general that the best way to get rid of the so-called vermin problem affecting most inner city folks was to put 'A Cat amongst the pigeons?' Remember? I bet you do. Well anyways Bros are back! In singular form! Which means that basically one of the brothers (and not the dark haired guy) has an acting career. I'm not sure if this one was the one that played the drums or the other one that sung like Alison Moyet with a throat infection (I'm betting the drummer) but they are represented here in this British horror film by at least one of them, unless they had come up with the ingenious idea of swapping places during the film, and splitting the cash, which is what identical twins do (they also share sexual partners. I know identical twins and they really do this). Anyways - Matt Goss has already appeared in Blade 2 (can't remember anything about it) and some TV programme called Frankenstein. I bet either of those weren't as bad as this! Cos this is a British horror film called Cold and Dark which takes the worst elements of gangster movies like Snatch and Tw*t and couples them with the worst points of horror movies like jump cuts, MTV editing, and gore for the sake of gore. I like gore, but it has to have some sort of purpose, angle, or stupidity. I hate it when gore is included for the sake of gore. It makes me want to vomit and then play with the vomit and then when my missus comes home from work I show her the vomit and ask to be rewarded for drawing a picture out of Greggs chicken sandwiches (half-digested) and milk.Matt Gloss is a cop of the rough diamond ilk, which means he lives alone in his bath, has an Irish wolfhound and talks in a gruff manner that belies his actual more high-pitched speaking voice which in turn renders most of his dialogue inaudible. I thought there was something wrong with my television until I checked out the IMDb and found that others had the same problem. After about twenty minutes of this my brain started to translate these mumblings in order to construct some sort of understanding of the plot, but generated W S Burroughs style cut-ups like: "Half grain to Slo Mo. Been bent to arab until sock time." "Barouqe. Halo in derby scribe." "Ben beam. Garrote Charlie at half nine." I better try to outline the plot here before I go on. The first twenty minutes were almost indecipherable to me and the missus. After some barely legible titles, Matt Goss mumbles something I couldn't quite hear about burying someone, then the film jumps between moments (shades of Shallow Grave here), then he's talking about his partner who 'always work alone', then more mumbling about refugee trafficking, then more nonsense. There were so many jump cuts at the start that I couldn't get a handle on what was going on. Everntually I figured out that the cops (Matt Goss (Inspector Dark) and his partner Some Guy (Inspector Shade)) were trying to uncover an illegal slave importing thing, and head off to the docks to check things out blah blah blah.It isn't really worth telling. The cop that isn't Matt Goss is infected in a really confusing scene by a monster called The Grail and uses his monstrousness to kill all the bad folk, but in the end must be destroyed by Matt Toss cos he's evil or something. There is some gore but the whole plot is totally implausible and incomprehensible and so outlandish that I was compelled to turn it off but didn't.Matt Lucas of Little Britain fame turns up near the end as a member of an obscure Paranormal branch of the Police and merely acts out one of his limited characters, this one being the old school British academic. It adds nothing to the film except a bit of exposition, and I can't believe that he delivered some of the lines he was given.For example. Matt Dross becomes involved with a member of Internal Affairs. After a very confusing scene she ends up at his house with a head wound, and he whisks her off to hospital, where evil monster cop attacks. In the end it seems that Matt Floss is now the monster and he carries her body out into the night, where Matt Lucas and his fellow interal affairs guy witness them leaving (after calling for backup, which never appears). What follows is the diabolical dialogue they have to speak: Internal affairs guy: He doesn't have the authority to do that (watching Matt Moss carry the chick away) Matt Lucas: True, but he does have the power...WHAT THE F*** DOES THAT MEAN? Matt Goss merely mumbles through the film, which confuses an already confused script, whereas the gore and the usual MTV style editing merely bursts your a** This is a lengthy review, but the missus summed it up nicely: 'That was f**king sh*te' she said.
Scarecrow-88 "Never trust anything that bleeds for a week and still doesn't die."Vice Sergeant detective John Dark(Luke Goss, who seems more worried about how cool he looks on screen)realizes that his new, well dressed partner, "Governor" Morty DC Shade(Kevin Howarth, who grows more and more creepy and menacing as the film continues)was actually killed in a raid on slave runners gone awry, revived by the blood of a foreign girl which gives birth to a creature(..labeled a "grail" by a kooky member of internal affairs, Dr. Elgin portrayed by bald-headed Matt Lucas)inside him. The grail yearns for blood, slowly transforming the host, creating a monster which replaces Shade overtime. Shade begins attacking those behind the slave-running operation which moves underage girls from country to country illegally for prostitution purposes, and Dark stands pat because playing by the rules hasn't brought the "bad guys" to justice. But, when Shade attacks a decoy placed in harm's way by the mastermind behind the entire slave-running operation, Dark convinces himself that the monster must be destroyed before things really get out of control. Albany(Carly Turnbull), a secret agent keeping a member of the slave-running organization safe because of his testimonies against his comrades in exchange for favors, butts heads with Dark when those associated with her client are turning up dead, horribly disfigured by some sort of beast with a nasty overbite. Soon Dark and Shade will have to duke it out or else the monster poses danger to the human race at large, not just those undesirables which break laws and pose a threat to society.Director Andrew Goth presents a flashy neo-noir Gothic horror flick which also works as a variation on the vampire theme and cop drama. The British-speak is on display and the tough-talking detectives ooze machismo. The villains of the film are rather undeveloped, only serving the plot as delicacies for Shade's vampiric monster, which emerges from a hole in his hand(..also, before the monster appears, long nails burst forth from Shade's fingers). Goth's style is ambitious and flamboyant as he uses all types of camera set-ups and movements, attempting visually, it seems, to make up for the paper-thin plot. Without the creature, this is just another Death Wish variant with Shade replacing Bronson's vengeance seeking vigilante, out for his own brand of justice. The heavies in the film are colorful, but they appear, are killed, and disappear..card board characters placed in the film as vermin for extermination. One member of the slave-ring, a woman needing money for her young son, Tommy(Rhys Moosa),who forges passports, is developed a bit because we do need some sort of sympathetic character in this film, other than agent Albany(..who often seems but a mere robot doing her duty to prevent harm towards her voice into a major operation she wishes to demolish)for when you have a story seething with such corrupted sorts and coppers stooping to their level to "clean the streets", it's nice to find someone to care about if even slightly. The attacks are often committed in a way to not show the creature eating inside it's victims perhaps due to budget constraints(..instead we are privy to the pleasured expression on Shade's face as he "feeds"). The creature is also rather shown quickly, never fully visible too long on screen, perhaps because it's created through CGI, which would expose how unrealistic it is. A lot is left to our imagination, that's for sure. Shade looks more and more like a vampire as the film moves along, his eyes absent of humanity, as he carries a ferocious visage. He really looks like a human monster by the film's climax. The film doesn't go out of it's way to explain how this creature came to be and the entire warehouse sequence where people died, including Shade(..the director follows Dark as he attempts to find his partner and the two slave-runners who were party to this particular exchange), occurs away from our eyes. Merely a hanging female corpse whose blood drops gave new life to Shade, combusting into flame, is our reason for the creature's existence.
michael-946 Hip little flick with some ballsy ambition. The director is a guy to watch. The plot was a little twisted, but watch it twice and it gets better. Matt Lucas as Dr. Elgin was a brilliant piece of casting. Kevin Howarth I'd already seen in Last Horror Picture, but in Cold & dark he really gets to flex his acting chops. His performance is mesmerising. Luke Goss plays a good number, very mean and moody. Kinda like Jason Statham. I liked the way Andrew Goth goes for the cinematic shot. This guy shoots for the big screen and it works. But you can feel the tension against the low budget cutting in. There was just not enough time to flesh the good stuff out. Great gore FX in some scenes. The cottage blood bath worked a treat! The team behind this film have got something. I'll track 'em. A Gothic Western next? Cool.
Claudio Carvalho When Detective Mortimer Shade (Kevin Howarth) is somehow killed in a freezer, a parasite called Grall possesses his body, revives him, but he needs blood to stay alive. His partner John Dark (Luke Goss) accepts the new situation and together they become vigilantes, judging and killing the bad guys, with Shade sucking their blood with his claw. However, John notes that Shade is loosing the rest of humanity and becoming a monster, being aware and afraid of the danger Shade represents to mankind and trying to stop him."Cold & Dark" is a promising dark story, wasted with a bad and confused screenplay. The movie practically is linear, without plot point, and when it seems that it will reach an interesting situation, it deceptively fails and shows no twist. The cinematography and the music score are very good, the two lead actors work well, but the actor who performs the chief of police is ridicule and histrionic. The movie does not show how Shade was killed and how the alien parasite enters in his body. The open end of the story is also terrible and I honestly did not understand many inconclusive parts of the story. My vote is five.Title (Brazil): "No Frio da Escuridão" ("In the Cold of the Darkness")